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About us

Security and innovation converge to redefine home convenience and protection. Hornbill proudly stands as a beacon of smart living, with more than a decade-long legacy in crafting advanced Bluetooth & WiFi smart deadbolt solutions that cater to the contemporary needs of home safety.

In the heart of Hornbill beats a commitment to pioneering security that flows effortlessly into the rhythm of daily life. Acknowledging the sanctity of secure homes, we have devotedly served over ten million families and a multitude of smart lock contractors across vast terrains stretching from the United States to Canada and throughout Europe.

Hornbill’s expertise isn’t confined to manufacturing alone. We are revolutionaries at heart, consistently pushing the envelope in the realm of intelligent lock design. Our products do more than secure entrances; they welcome homeowners into an era where entering and safeguarding their domains is a feat of technological artistry achievable right from their smartphones.

Our smart locks are the epitome of Hornbill’s philosophy—blending aesthetics with functionality while embedding the highest degree of security into the very architecture of your home. Convenience aligns with peace of mind as our bespoke smart deadbolts not only provide robust protection but also resonate with the intuitive touch of personal preference and style.

But what truly sets Hornbill apart is the robust and considerate after-sales support—an ensemble of the most helpful and dedicated professionals. Our customers enjoy unwavering peace of mind, knowing that our after-sales team is always ready to assist, ensuring their smart security solutions receive the care and attention they deserve long after their initial installation.

Hornbill isn’t just about creating locks; it’s about crafting enduring tranquility. We continually venture into new territories of technological innovations to keep our customers one step ahead of security concerns, delivering smart locks that are as reliable as they are revolutionary.

Choose Hornbill and step into a world where home security is synonymous with modern sophistication and uncompromised safety. With Hornbill, you can experience the true key to peace of mind—where every lock is a story of trust and every turn, a chapter in home harmony.

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